Using DJI Phantom RTK with Trimble R12

Using DJI Phantom RTK with Trimble R12

Whilst using one of our smaller UAV's the Phantom 4 RTK. We struggled to figure out the simplest way to connect to our Trimble R12's to be used as a base for RTK corrections.

After a bit of trial and error we came up with this procedure to follow, which as it turns out is actually quite simple!

  1. Turn on the R12 and connect to its WIFI from the DJI controller
  2. Get the R12's IP address
  3. Exit to main screen and go back to settings
  4. Apply to All – Open Browser – Navigate to IP address
    • Username = admin
    • Password = should either be "password" or R12_serial# (e.g. R12_6012F00704)
  5. Hit "Show Classic Webgui" at top of screen
  6. Check Receiver Status – Position, Satellites
  7. Receiver Configuration – Antenna
    • Input antenna height – OK
  8. Reference Station – Here
    • Edit Coordinates with Observed values from point R12's set up over – OK
  9. I/O Configuration – Port Configuration
    • Change 1st dropdown menu to NTripCaster1
    • Enable
    • Identifier = RTCM32
    • Country = AUS
    • Mount Point = RTCM32MP
    • RTCM = Enabled – Version = 3.2
    • OK
  10. Ensure NTrip Caster1 output = RTCM.V3

Once all that's set you're ready for take off!

  1. Flight
  2. Click “ · · · ” at top right
  3. Check RTK is turned ON
  4. NTRIPHost = R12's IP address
  5. Port = 2101
  6. User = (same as before) admin
  7. Password = (same as before) "password" or R12_serial# (e.g. R12_6012F00704)
  8. Mountpoint = RTCM32MP

I hope you find this useful!